


















September 2002








Disaster Preparedness Network (DP-Net)


Nepal is a disaster-prone country mainly due to its young geology, sloppy terrain and widespread poverty. The assessment made by the government shows that, between 1983 and 1998, more than 18,000 people have lost their lives, falling prey to several forms of disaster. The losses of productive properties such as animals, agricultural land and crops, etc. are overwhelming. Major types of disasters in Nepal include flood, earthquake, drought, landslide, disease epidemic, Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF), fire and ecological hazard. Other minor ones are avalanche, storm, hailstorm, stampede, transit and industrial accident. Among the major disasters, flood, landslide and disease epidemic is the most recurrent one claiming several lives annually. As seismic faults pass through the country, it renders Nepal vulnerable to earthquake disaster also.


The DP Net is envisioned as a loose association of individual organizations within the development sector in Nepal, which are concerned with disaster management from a development perspective. The Network aims to assist individuals and organization to prepare for, and response to and manage disaster should it strike.


DP-Net activities will work closely with His Majesty’s Government of Nepal (HMG/N)  through its agencies concerned with disaster preparedness and management with a total disaster risk management concept. DP-Net basically supports or supplement government initiatives in disaster management from a development perspective.

DP-Net is concerned with natural disasters such as earthquake, floods, droughts and landslides. It will also cover disasters such as epidemics.

DP-Net aims to assist and work closely with the government but as facilitator to all cycles of disaster management  activities in Nepal. Therefore, it is essentials that the DP-Net should allow and encourage flexibility while at the same time promoting coordination, communication/ communication flow and a conducive environment to work in disaster management effectively.




The name of the institution, in English, shall be 'DISASTER PREPAREDNESS NETWORK' herein referred as 'DP-Net'.


"The Network" means "Disaster Preparedness Network".

""A Member" means a Member admitted under this Charter.

"The General Council" means the General Body, which is composed of all voting or non-voting members of the Network.

"The Executive committee" means the Governing Body composed of the elected members of the General Council and in whose hands the management of the affairs of the Network is vested.

"A Working Committee" means a temporary or permanent functional sub-committee composed of a part of the Executive Committee and composed for managing a defined and particular aspect to the affairs of the Network.

"The Network Coordinator" is a paid or unpaid staff with the responsibility for overall day-to-day management of the Network, appointed by the Executive Committee and an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.

"The Secretariat" means the functional and furnished central and registered office of DP-Net staffed by paid or unpaid staff.


DP-Net is envisioned as a mutually beneficial, service oriented, sharing platform, resource and information center and focal point for agencies and individuals involved in disaster management activities.


To promote and advocate to development institutions and individual practitioners the need and importance of linking disaster to development for a sustainable development initiatives and reduce the negative impact of any disaster prone country like Nepal. and skills of ensuring participation for empowerment of the people who are the subject of development.


The main purpose of DP-Net is to enhance the capacity and improve the performance of its members/ partners to share, design, implement and sustain disaster preparedness activities in Nepal. I addition, DP-Net aims to promote and spread sustainable disaster preparedness and management activities with a view to link disaster to development throughout Nepal. 


a)                Objectives of DP-Net

DP-Net is a member-based organization, which exists to serve its members. DP-Net shall only do what will complement, not duplicate its member's efforts in sustainable disaster management through linking disaster to development initiatives. Following are the specific objectives of DP-Net:

i)                  To organize and symposia, conferences, workshops and meetings to promote and advocate principles and share experience of sustainable disaster management.

ii)               To prepare and regularly update a resource directory of institutions and individuals, who can be available as resources for people and institutions needing assistance and support in sustainable disaster management and linking disaster to development, and to assist in making appropriate linkages as when possible.

iii)            To organize training programs for furthering development of skills and knowledge of trainers and practitioners as and when needed, especially when such trainings are not already being offered or can not be offered by any one member institution or individual and when such trainings and workshops will strengthen and bring synergy among members.

iv)             To undertake methodological research, directly or through individual and institutional members, with the view of making advances in understanding and in practice of sustainable disaster management and linking disaster to development.

v)                To regularly publish and disseminate news, vies and experience for the Network members.

vi)             To provide a common platform for those concerned about linking disaster to development and sustainable disaster management.

vii)          To provide advice and necessary support in developing understanding and skills and in linking disaster to development and sustainable disaster management.

viii)       To develop linkages with similar institutions and networks in the country and internationally to effectively achieve the aims and objectives of DP-Net.

ix)             To establish a specialized excellent multi-media and document resource center covering the whole subject of sustainable disaster management.


Values are fundamental belief, conviction and core feeling which shall motivate and guide the way DP-Net and its members, operate, behave and relate to others.

Following are the core values of DP-Net.

a)                Mutual respect

Mutual respect is the recognition of the innate dignity of all human beings, the value of cultural diversity and the right to exercise choice.

b)                Equity

Equity is the principle, which constrains the use of advantage for selfish ends in favour of the present and future good.

c)          Empathy with the poor.

DP-Net's important core value is its empathy with the poor in providing the fruits of sustainable development through the disaster management activities in all disaster prone areas of the country.

d)          Pluralism

DP-Net shall respect different points of views and support the process of democratization at all levels.

e)          Secularism

DP-Net shall be a secular and non-partisan organization, which will not discriminate on the ground of gender, religion, caste and creed and party- politics.


a)          Membership Categories and Eligibility

DP-Net will have the following types of membership:

i)           Individual Core Members: individuals working in Nepal, who believe in linking disaster to development and sustainable disaster management,  engaged in practicing the objectives, principles and values of DP-Net as defined in this CHARTER, and who agree to work to achieve the objectives of DP-Net can be members of DP-Net after being admitted as such. In addition, the individuals applying for the membership shall have to be directly involved in the management or facilitation of sustainable disaster management activities. Individuals with previous criminal conviction them are eligible for membership.

These members will have voting rights in the General Council meeting.

The General Council of DP-Net has the authority to admit members according to these rules and regulations and on the basic of proposal of the Executive Committee. Each application for membership must be endorsed by at least 2 existing individual members.

ii)         Institutional Associate Members: Organizations including associations and networks of organizations, which believe in linking disaster to development and sustainable disaster management, are engaged in practicing the objectives, principles and values of DP-Net as defined in this CHARTER, which agree to work for achieving the objectives of DP-Net can be members of DP-Net after being admitted as such, In addition, the organizations applying for membership shall have to be directly involved in the management or facilitation of sustainable disaster management. Organization involved in controversy or convicted by court shall not be eligible for membership.

Institutional Associate Members shall not vote in the general Council.

The general council of DP-Net has the authority to admit members according to these rules and regulations and on the basic of proposal of the executive committee. Each application for membership must be endorsed by at least 2 existing institutional associate members.

iii)       Honorary Members: Individuals of stature and reputation for his / her contribution in sustainable disaster management and linking disaster to development who agree to work to achieve the objectives of DP-Net, upon invitation from the Executive committee. Honorary members will not vote in the general council meeting. Honorary members need not pay any fee for membership subscription. The general council on recommendation of the executive committee has the authority to extend the invitation of honorary membership.

b)                Subscription

The members shall contribute a certain amount of membership fee to DP-Net either on (a) an annual basis or (b) a long-term basis. There will also be one-time subscription for life membership fee will be decided by the executive committee and will be revised from time to time. The current membership subscription fee is mentioned in a schedule attached as Appendix-A of this document. Membership should be renewed on an annual basis, except in the case of life members. The members shall be have a grace period of upto the first half of the first day of the annual general assembly meeting for renewal of membership for them to have the right of voting in the same general assembly.

Honorary members need not pay any membership subscription.

c)                Cessation of Membership

The general council may ask any member to resign from membership if the executive committee recommends that the member has deliberately violated the principles of DP-Net and or is not taking sustained interest in DP-Net's affairs and or is working against DP-Net's work and existence. The executive committee will give sufficient notice of intention so that the concerned member has adequate opportunity to clarify the concern.

Any member may decide to leave the network and submit resignation to the executive committee. The executive committee will be able to take final decisions.

Members leaving DP-Net will be asked to pay all outstanding payments.

d)                Duties, Rights and Privileges of Members

Following are the rights Privileges of members:

i)                  To work actively to fulfill the objectives of DP-Net and to make its programmes effective.

ii)               To attend all general council meetings of DP-Net.

iii)            To contest elections for the executive committee. (only for individual core members)

iv)             To cast votes in the election and decision making in the general council meeting. (Honorary members, Institutional Associate members exempted from the exercise)

v)                To receive full minutes of the general council meetings and summary minutes of the executive committee meeting.

vi)             To encourage organizations and individuals to apply for DP-Net's membership.

vii)          To receive, free of cost, which will have been already covered by the membership subscription, all regular publications of DP-Net.

viii)       To receive first exposure and service priority for trainings, workshops or any other DP-Net programmes.


A)              General council

i)                  Composition: The general council of DP-Net shall be composed of all members with or without voting rights.

ii)               Authorities, Duties and Functions:

1.     To approve DP-Net’s annual report, including financial reports, prepared by the executive committee.

2.     To pass DP-Net's audited accounts prepared by an appointed external auditor and recommended by the finance working committee.

3.     To appoint external auditor for DP-Net and decide about the terms and conditions, including the fee, of appointment.

4.     To approve DP-Net's annual programme and budget.

5.     To elect, through secret voting system, the executive committee from amongst its voting members.

6.     To establish and approve overall policies of organisation and work of DP-Net.

7.     To develop and approve overall vision and direction of DP-Net.

8.     To approve and amend the CHARTER, rules and regulations of DP-Net.

iii)            Quorum of Meetings

The Quorum for all General Council meetings of DP-Net shall be 51 percent of the total number of voting members. However, the meetings reconvened after one adjournment due to lack of quorum after of informing members of so, will no longer require any quorum. There must be a gap of at least 30 days between the General Council meeting so convened and the meeting, which is cancelled due to inadequate quorum.

iv)             Frequency of Meetings

The General Council Meeting shall meet ordinarily once a year and the gap between two meetings should not be more than 18 months. The place and time of the meetings will decide by the Executive Committee.

An extra-ordinary General Council meeting can be called by the Executive Committee or on receipt of request from 25% of the total voting membership of DP-Net.

v)                Notice of Meetings

Members shall receive notice of any General Council meeting at least 45 days in advance.

vi)             Decision Making and Voting

The General Council shall adopt by consensus rules and regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to perform functions transparently.

Proposals for discussions and decisions in the General Council Meeting can be put forward by any member to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall set the agenda of the General Council meeting. Discussion on issues outside the preset agenda for the meeting will require a formal request by 10% of the attending members. Decisions on any motion and proposal shall be achieved normally through complete consensus of the General Council meeting. If all practicable efforts by the General Council and the Chairperson have been made a consensus appears unattainable; any Member can propose a formal vote. Each Individual Core Member, but not Honorary Members and Institutional Associate Member shall have one vote per person. Decisions requiring a formal vote by the General Council meeting shall be taken by an affirmative vote representing 60% majority of the votes casted by individual core Members. Decisions concerning amendments of this Memorandum of Association and concerning dissolution of DP-Net will require 70% majority as mentioned in the Society Registration Act. The Chairperson of the Executive committee will chair the General Council Meting and the Network coordinator will perform the functions of a secretary. In absence of the Chairperson, the meting shall elect a chairperson.


b) Executive Committee

i)        Composition: A total of 7 to 11 persons including the Chairperson and the Treasurer, from among the voting Members, are elected by the general council to from the Executive Committee. It will be mandatory of the Executive Committee to have women members in it to represent the proportional composition of the total women individual core members but there should be at least 2 women members in the Executive committee. In accordance with the current law of the country, only Nepali citizens will be eligible to old offices and membership in the Executive Committee.

The Network Coordinator will be an ex-officio member and secretary of the  Executive committee. The Chairperson and the treasurer are also elected y the General council. The job descriptions of the Executive Committee Chairperson and Treasurer and the Network Coordinator is presented as Appendix -A of this document.

ii)               Election of the Executive Committee: Interested persons shall formally register their name as the candidates for the Executive Committee members or he Chairperson or the Treasurer during an allocated time at the General Council meeting Only members who have voting right shall stand for an election.

Each Individual Core Member but not Honorary Members and Institutional Associate Members shall have one vote by each person.

The Executive Committee has the power to co-opt members from among the voting Members for an interim period until the next general council meeting but to fill the gaps arising out of departure of elected Members (s).

The Executive committee members shall work for DP-Net purely on volunteer basis without any wage or remuneration for their work. Neither shall the Executive Committee members use DP-Net for private and personal gain.

iii)            Authorities, Duties and Functions of the Executive Committee: Following are the authorities, duties and function of the Executive

1.     All responsibilities and authorities, as delegated by the general council, concerning overall administration and management of DP-Net's resources and programmes through planning, budgeting, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and reporting, within the framework of policies, plans and budget approved by the General Council.

2.     Delegation and division work and responsibilities to the working Committees, The Executive Members, depending upon their expertise and interest will divide themselves into the following permanent working committees, namely:

Finance and Administration working committee,

Communication and publication working committee,

Programme working committee.

3.     From and define authority and responsibility of other temporary or short term time bound and job specific sub committees from among the Members of DP-Net.

4.     Appointment of the secretariat staff as per annual plans and budget and management of the Network coordinator.

5.     Development and establishment of organisational strategy and procedures necessary to achieve DP-Net's objectives.

6.     Decision about admission and termination o membership.

7.     Fixing and reviewing the quantum of membership fee.

8.     Guardianship of DP-Net's movable and immovable assets and institutions.

9.     Relationship with governmental, non-governmental and donor institutions.

10.                        Ensure that DP-Net’s institutional conduct and behavior remain within the laws, rules and regulations of the country.

11.                        Organisation and management of General Council Meeting.

12.                        Presenting annual reports and plans and budget to the General Assembly at the annual general assembly meeting.

iv)             Terms of the Executive Committee Members:

Each member of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a term of two years at the General Council meeting. However, half of the members of Executive committee will retire every year, through lottery system during the first year of the formation of the DP-Net Executive Committee, after which each elected member will come to the cycle of 2 years term.

The maximum number of consecutive terms for a member of the Executive committee will be two, after which a member can not stand for election for at least another 2 terms. However, the Chairperson and Treasurer can hold their position only for one term of 2 years but they can remain as members of the Executive Committee for a maximum of 2 terms as mentioned above.

The executive committee through unanimous decision can not suitable candidates from among the Individual core member either (a) to replace premature departure of any elected Executive committee members but only for the period until the next General Council meeting or (b) to receive specific technical assistance (maximum 2 person at any one time at any one point in time) for a definite period of time not exceeding a total of 12 consecutive months.

Any member who is absent from 3 consecutive meetings without information or without satisfactory reasons will be obliged or resign from the executive committee.

v)                Quorum of Meeting

The Quorum for all Executive Committee meetings of DP-Net shall be at least 51 

percent of the total number of members.

iv)  Frequency of Meetings

Executive Committee meeting shall ordinarily be held minimum 6times per year and the gap between two meetings should not be more than 2 months. The place and time of the meetings will decided by the Executive Committee Chairperson.

v)                  Notice of Meeting

Members shall receive notice of ordinary Executive Committee meeting at least 21 days in advance. The notice period for extra-ordinary meeting shall be only 15 days if the Executive Committee Chairperson calls it and shall be 21 days if members call it.

vi)    Decision Making and Voting

The Executive Committee shall adopt by consensus rules and regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to perform functions transparently.

Proposals for discussions and decisions in the Executive Meetings can be put forward by any Member to the Executive Committee Chairperson preferably 21 days in advance. The Executive committee can defer discussions and decisions on any subject only if there is complete consensus to do so.

Decisions on any motion and proposal shall be achieved only through complete consensus of the Executive committee meeting. If all have been made and consensus appears unattainable, than the matter has to be dropped, amended or taken to the next general council meeting.

Chairperson will play the lead role in conducting the meeting. Complete minutes of the meetings will be taken, published and distributed by the Network coordinator who is the ex-officio member cum-secretary of the Executive Meeting.

vi)     Working Committees

Executive Committee may choose to form any number of working committees on permanent or temporary basis as and when needed. Currently, there is a provision of 3 permanent working committees as specific parts but within the framework of the Executive committees. As mentioned above, the executive committee can decided to have other time bound and specific task orientated working committees or sub-committees.

The main purpose behind the formation of these permanent-working committees is to decentralize the various functions of the Executive.

Committee for efficiency and effectiveness.

i)      Composition: The executive committee members, depending upon their expertise and interest will divide themselves into the following permanent working committees, namely:

Finance and Administration Working Committee,

Communication and Publication Working Committee, and

Programme Working Committee.

The Executive committee members will normally not change their participation from one working committee to another during the course of their term so that continuity can be provided to the respective working committees. One Executive committee Member can be member of only one working committee.

Each working committee will choose a convener, on rotational basis, for organizing committee affairs and for facilitating discussions on issues, building consensus and making collective decisions. Each Convener will have a term of six month at one time.

ii)               Responsibilities: Following are the responsibilities of the 3 permanent working committees:

Finance and Administration Working Committee: This working committee will be responsible for developing specific strategies, policies, procedures and for providing management control and support to network secretariat in the following areas:

-         Financial control and management including auditing

-         Fund raising

-         Personnel matters

-         Legal matters

-         Property and material management

Communication and Publication Working Committee: This working Committee will be responsible for developing specific strategies, policies, procedures and for providing management control and support to Network secretariat the following area:

-         Logistical management, including design of all DP-Net publication

-         Documentation and Resource Center management

-         Reporting to donors

-         Linkages with media

-         Technical management of all DP-Net publication, that is, decisions about what to publish.

Programme Working Committee: This working committee will be responsible for developing specific strategies, polices procedures and for providing management control and support to Network secretariat in the following area:

-         Training

-         Linkages with and support to Members

-         Linkages with other institutions, network and associations

-         Research

iii)            Decision-making: The Working Committees shall adopt by consensus rules and regulation as may be necessary or appropriate to perform functions transparently.

Decisions on any motion and proposal shall be achieved only through complete consensus of the respective working committee meetings, if all practicable efforts by one or other working committees have been all practicable efforts by one or other working committees have been made and consensus appears unattainable, then the matter has to be taken to the next Executive meeting.

iv)  Meeting frequency and quorum: The convener of each Working Committee will be responsible to call meeting once every month. The gap between two meetings will not be more than 60 days. The required quorum for every Working Committee will be 51% of the membership.

d)      The Network Sectrariat

The Network Sectrariat is the registered executive office of DP-Net staffed with regular and salaried staff. The Secretariat will be headed and managed by the Network Coordinator who shall report to the Executive Committee Chairperson. The Network Coordinator in conjunction with the Finance and Administration Working Committee will appoint necessary staff for the Secretariat according to the plans and budget approved by the General Council. The Network coordinator will manage the financial, material and human resources allocated to the Network Secretariat.

i)                              Functions : The  Network Sectrariat shall represent DP-Net's General Council and the Executive Committee and shall exercise the following functions :

1)    Implement effectively the decisions (administrative or programmatic) of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee and the Working Committees.

2)    Day to day management of staff, funds, materials allocated to the Network Secretariat at its disposal by the General Assembly for achieving aims and planned objectives.

3)    Maintenance and follow-up of all matters, including members' profile database and subscriptions and dues and related to Network Members of all kinds.

4)    Publish planned documents and communication media (eg. news letter) on behalf of DP-Net, to the Working Committee and the Executive Committee.

5)    Contact, consultation and follow up with the Working Committees and the Executive Committee for support, advise and guidance in the work of the Secretariat.

6)    Purpose annual plans and follow up with the Working Committees and the Executive Committee for support, advise and guidance in the work of the Secretariat.

7)    Propose annual plans and budget for DP-Net's work to the Executive Committee which in turn will propose it to the General Assembly for final approval.

                                        II.      Staff: The number of staff, temporary and permanent, to be appointed to run the Network Secretariat will be decided by the General Assembly as a part of its annual plan and budget. Network Coordinator reporting to the Executive Committee Chairperson will be general manager, with specific responsibilities for programme work, of the Network Secretariat. Administration officer, reporting to the Network Secretariat responsible for all administrative and financial and management. Minimum staffing will be the guiding principle.

                                     III.      Decision-making: Authority and responsibilities for each of the Network Secretariat staff will be established through individual job descriptions decided by the Executive Committee. Within the framework of job description, each staff member will be able to make decisions that are correct. Accountability and support for effectiveness and efficiency will be achieved through line management system. The Network Secretariat staff will have their own forum, which will allow opportunity for participation of all staff in the company of the Secretariat through mutual discussions, consultation and consensus building.


As the member-base, particularly the core individual and institutional membership base, expands with participation from individuals and institutions based and operational in various parts of the country, it is envisaged that scope and opportunity for regional networking will be greater. Under such circumstances, it is anticipated that subsidiary, autonomous and decentralized structure of DP-Net will be developed. This CHARTER recognizes this and provides for organizing and establishing regional structure and offices of DP-Net by remaining within the broader principles, values, aims, objectives and rules and regulations provided here.

Core members based throughout in the country shall propose to open subsidiary regional structure and offices of DP-Net as and when felt necessary. In due course, Regional offices of DP-Net, together with governing rules and regulations shall be approved by complete consensus of the General Council.


a)    Source of funds

DP-Net  shall raise necessary funds through the following different ways:

-         Membership fees

-         Individual and institutional grants or donations

-         Sale of publications

-         Specific project funding from governmental or non-governmental institutions within the country or abroad.

b)    Guiding Principles For Fund Raising

i)                  DP-Net shall take loan or overdraft only against formally guaranteed income.

ii)               DP-Net shall give priority to raising funds for establishing a Trust Fund or Endowment Fund which will provide longer term organizational sustainability.

iii)            DP-Net shall not compromise its values, principles, aims and objectives for any fund and will refuse cooptation.

iv)             DP-Net shall raise funds only on the basis of need and its capacity to deliver the 'product'

v)                DP-Net shall not seek financial growth by compromising the quality services and supports provided to its members.

vi)             DP-Net shall be able to raise funds to fund core members' work but the total annual volume of such funding shall be not be more than 20% of its total annual budget.

vii)          DP-Net shall not receive funds from controversial individual or institution.

viii)       DP-Net shall avoid being dependent on any one funding source and will seek to diversity funding sources.

c)                   Utilization of Funds

Funds shall be utilised for attaining aims and objectives of DP-Net. DP-Net shall not involve itself in investment of any fund in any financial venture other than its regular savings account and trust fund or endowment fund. DP-Net shall not provide any loan to any individual or organisation. DP-Net shall also be able to buy property and premises for the sole purpose of its own use.


      The financial year of DP-Net shall be from 1 Shrawan to end of following Asadh.


DP-Net shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant records and prepare an annual statement of account in such form as may be statutorily necessary and maintained according to the standard set by the General Council of DP-Net and according to the law.

The accounts of DP-Net shall be audited annually by a licensed firm of Chartered Accountant to be appointed by the General Council.

The audited statement of accounts together with audit report will be placed before the General Council with the recommendation of the Executive Committee.


DP-Net shall open and maintain savings and or current account in a bank decided by the Executive Committee. DP-Net's bank account shall be operated jointly by two out of any four persons – Chairperson, Treasurer, the current convener of Finance and Administrative Working Committee and Network Coordinator. The Executive Committee and its Finance and Administrative Working Committee shall develop detailed and specific procedures for management of bank account.


DP-Net may sue or may be sued in the name of Network Coordinator.


Any amendment in the Charter and Rules and Regulations will be carried out in accordance with the need of DP-Net and in accordance with the legal provisions.

This Charter and rules and regulations can be amended and altered only by the decisions of any General Council meeting, provided the proposed amendments from part of the agenda and are circulated amongst members at least 30 days before the meeting at which such amendments are to be considered. Amendment of the Charter shall require minimum of two-third majority votes.


If the Network needs to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved only by the decisions of General Council meeting called for this specific purpose. The dissolution should be decided by minimum o two-third majority votes. The notice of dissolution shall be made public.

On dissolution of DP-Net, if any property remains after satisfying all debts and liabilities of DP-Net, it shall not be divided and distributed among the Members of the General Council or the Executive Committee but shall be transferred to one or more institutions having similar aims and objectives to that of DP-Net. The choice of institutions(s) for transferring property after dissolution shall be decided only by the General Council meeting called for the dissolution of DP-Net and or in accordance with the current law of the country.


In matters of dispute, or difference arising out of interpretation of the articles mentioned in this Charter, the interpretation provided by the Executive Committee shall be final.


All the provisions under all the sections of the Society Registration Act 2034 B.S. and its revision, of His Majesty's Government of Nepal shall apply to DP-Net.



Individual core membership                                 NRs 500

Institutional Associate Membership                      NRs 2,000

Life Membership: Individual                                 NRs 5,000

                              Institutional                            NRs 12,000



1.      To chair the meeting of the Executive Committee.

2.      To guide the Treasurer, Working Committee Conveners and the Network Coordinator in discharging their duties.

3.      Providing an overall leadership to the programmes and activities of DP-Net.

4.      To call and manage Executive Committee or General Council Meeting as seen needed.

5.      To present annual report and annual plans to the General Council meeting.

6.      To appoint and manage the Network Coordinator.

7.      To play a leadership role in the Executive Committee and the General Council Meeting in taking and reaching appropriate collective decisions to fulfill DP-Net's aims and objectives effectively.

8.      To authorize any capital expenditure.

9.      To represent and sign, on behalf of DP-Net, to enter into formal agreement with any institutions including governmental institutions.



1.      To ensure the appropriate financial accounts of high technical and legal standards.

2.      To prepare annual financial reports and budget and submit same to the Executive Committee and finally to the General Council meeting.

3.      To submit financial records and reports to requires governmental authorities and donors so as to fulfill obligations of law and of mutual agreement.

4.      To provide leadership in the raising of funds for work to achieve the objectives of DP-Net.

5.      To monitor and oversee the operation of the bank account.

6.      To approve the final appointment of Finance and Administrative Officer of the DP-Net.

7.      To receive reports of the external auditors; respond to their management comments and to present to the General Council meeting.

8.      To take leadership in reaching informed and collective decisions on all financial matters in the Executive Committee and the General Council meeting.



1.      To take leadership all decisions in the overall management of the Network Secretariat.

2.      In conjunction with the Executives Committee, appoint and manage other staff of the secretariat.

3.      To keep records of the proceedings of Executive Meetings and to coordinate and mange reporter of the General Council meetings to produce the proceedings in time.

4.      To do all correspondence, for and on behalf of DP-Net.

5.      To represent DP-Net with governmental and non-governmental organisaion and in the court of law.

6.      In conjunction with the Working Committees, prepare annual reports and plans for DP-Net and submit the same to the Executives Committee for consideration.

7.      To implement annual plans approved by the General Council.

8.      To regularly report and update the Executive Committee about the work and activities of DP-Net and its secretariat.

9.      To maintain and have custody of  all records, files, and documents of DP-Net.

10.  To write project proposals for funding and submit to prospective donors.

11.  To prepare and submit necessary reports to the governmental body and donors to fulfill requirements as per law and relevant agreements.

12.  To implement and execute policies and programmes as decided by the General Council and the Executive Committee to fulfill the objectives of DP-Net.

13.   To manage publishing of bulletins, magazines, and other documents in order to achieve the objectives of DP-Net.