Nepal is a disaster-prone
country mainly due to its young geology, sloppy terrain and widespread poverty. The assessment made by the government shows
that, between 1983 and 1998, more than 18,000 people have lost their lives, falling prey to several forms of disaster. The
losses of productive properties such as animals, agricultural land and crops, etc. are overwhelming. Major types of disasters
in Nepal include flood, earthquake, drought, landslide, disease epidemic, Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF), fire and ecological
hazard. Other minor ones are avalanche, storm, hailstorm, stampede, transit and industrial accident. Among the major disasters,
flood, landslide and disease epidemic is the most recurrent one claiming several lives annually. As seismic faults pass through
the country, it renders Nepal vulnerable to earthquake disaster also.
The DP Net is envisioned as a loose association of individual organizations within the development
sector in Nepal, which are concerned with disaster management from a development perspective. The Network aims to assist individuals
and organization to prepare for, and response to and manage disaster should it strike.
DP-Net activities will work closely with His Majestys Government of Nepal (HMG/N)through its agencies concerned with disaster preparedness and management with a total disaster risk management
concept. DP-Net basically supports or supplement government initiatives in disaster management from a development perspective.
DP-Net is concerned
with natural disasters such as earthquake, floods, droughts and landslides. It will also cover disasters such as epidemics.
DP-Net aims to assist and work closely with the government but as facilitator to all cycles of
disaster managementactivities in Nepal. Therefore, it is essentials that the
DP-Net should allow and encourage flexibility while at the same time promoting coordination, communication/ communication
flow and a conducive environment to work in disaster management effectively. More...